Chainsaw File Size Chart for Oregon, Husqvarna, Stihl

Not exaggerating at all!

Choosing the right size file is as important as choosing the right chain for your chainsaw.

Here’s the chainsaw file size chart for popular brands:

Chain PitchFile Diameter ØOregon Part #Husqvarna Part #Stihl Part #
1/4"5/32” (4 mm)25H0013, 71
.325"3/16” (4.8 mm)20, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35, 80, 95H30, H22, H23, H27, H78, H25, H21, H2623, 25, 26
3/8"13/64” (5.2 mm)72, 73, 75H51, H47, H46, H80, H475, H82, H54, H48, H42, H81, H48S, H50, H45, H8335, 36
.404"7/32” (5.5 mm)27, 68, 16, 18, 19H64, H57, H6540, 46

Btw, I’m Sam, and I have over two decades of experience in the logging industry (I know, I’m old! 🙂).

In this article, I’m going to dive into more details about chainsaw files & why it’s essential to find the right size for your chain.

Are you ready??

Let’s get started!

How are Chainsaw Files Measured?

Well, there are mainly 2 types of chainsaw files: round files & flat files.

And when I say “chainsaw file” I’m usually referring to a round file, as it’s the one that’s used for sharpening chainsaw chains.

Round files are measured by their diameter in inches & millimeters. 

If you’re buying a round file, you’ll usually see numbers like 5/32″ or 4mm on the packaging.

The most common chainsaw file sizes are 5/32″, 3/16″, and 7/32″.

Why Does Chainsaw File Size Matter?

chainsaw round file

Sharpening a chainsaw chain is an ART!

You need to be extremely precise and consistent to achieve the perfect sharpness. And that’s why choosing the right size file is so important.

If you use a wrong size file that’s too small or too big for your chain, you won’t be able to get the right angle & depth on each cutter (and it’s one of the most common sharpening mistakes).

Plus, chances are you’ll end up with an unevenly sharpened chain, which can lead to poor cutting performance and even safety hazards!

So, make sure you always stick to the recommended file size for your chainsaw chain.

How to Choose the Right File Size for a Chainsaw Chain?

Choosing the right file size for your chain may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually a no-brainer once you know the basics.

Here are 3 methods that I personally use when determining the right file size for my chainsaw chain: 👇

Method #1: Using the File Size Chart

This one’s pretty simple!

  1. Find the pitch of your chainsaw chain. (It’s the distance between 3 consecutive rivets / 2. It’s usually written on the guide bar, but you can also measure it yourself. Read this article to learn more about chain pitch!)
  2. Now, refer to this chainsaw file size chart below and find the corresponding file size for your chain’s pitch.
Chainsaw file size chart for popular brands (Oregon, Husqvarna, Stihl)

Method #2: Checking the User Manual

Probably the most reliable method!

Your saw’s user manual will have all the info you need to know about your chain, including the recommended file size.

  1. Grab the user manual that came with your chainsaw.
  2. Head over to the “Specifications” or “Technical Data” section.
  3. The recommended file size for your chain should be listed or illustrated there.

For example, here’s my Craftop NT4560‘s user manual where the recommended file size for the stock chain is 13/64″ (5.2 mm).

which chainsaw file to use
✍️ Note: This method will only work if you’re using the “stock” chain.

Method #3: Checking the Chain Packaging

If you’ve replaced your chain with an aftermarket one, you can find the recommended file size on its packaging.

Here’s an example: 👇

recommended chainsaw file size by chain manufacturer

Related F.A.Q.s

What Size File for a 3/8 Chainsaw Chain?

Both 7/32″ and 13/64″ size files are ideal for sharpening 3/8″ saw chains. But 7/32″ is more commonly used. To make sure, always refer to the methods I mentioned above.

What Size File for a .325" Chainsaw Chain?

3/16″ files are recommended for sharpening .325″ chainsaw chains. Using a different file size may result in poor sharpening and cutting performance.

Can I Use a 3/8" File on a .325" Chain?

Initially, the 3/8 file may work fine for the first few filings, but as the teeth get smaller, the file won’t fit as well. So, it’s always best to use the recommended file size for optimal sharpening results.

Samuel Anali

Hey there! My name is Sam, and I'm the NERD behind this site. I'm an avid chainsaw enthusiast, and I've been tinkering with them since I was 17 (it's almost 20 years now!).

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