Can You Cut Wet Wood With a Chainsaw? What’s the TRUTH?

I’ve been using chainsaws for more than two decades, and you know what’s the question that keeps popping up?

Can you cut wet wood with a chainsaw?

Yes, you can cut wet wood with a chainsaw. In general, there’s no significant difference between cutting wet and dry wood. But electric chainsaws aren’t suitable for use in wet conditions, as water can damage their electrical components.

Cutting wet wood when it's raining.

I surveyed 300+ experienced chainsaw users and the results might just surprise you!

Keep scrolling to find out…

Is It Safe to Cut Wet Wood with a Chainsaw?

It’s completely safe to cut wet wood with a chainsaw. There’s hardly any difference between cutting wet and dry wood under normal circumstances.

While you might end up getting a bit dirty with sawdust, bark debris, and dust, and your clothes & boots may get damp, cutting wet wood shouldn’t cause any problems for you or your chainsaw.

I’ve personally done it hundreds of times and never encountered any issues!

What Do Experts Say About This?

Experts also agree that – cutting wet wood with a chainsaw is 100% safe.

To further support this, I conducted a poll in our Reddit community, which is filled with experienced chainsaw enthusiasts. 

The question posed was, “Do you use your chainsaw to cut wet wood?

Nearly 300 users took part in the poll, and surprisingly, over 91% of them answered with a resounding “YES!.” (Quite an eye-opener!)

Results of a poll.

(Click here to see the full post)

I also had a chat with Brymond, a friendly member of the Husqvarna Experts team, and here’s what she had to say: 👇

Does Cutting Wet Wood Dull the Chainsaw Chain?

No, cutting wet wood doesn’t make your chainsaw chain go dull unless you’re doing something seriously wrong.

Husqvarna says –

Using your chainsaw to cut through wet wood will not dull the chain any faster than using it for other types of wood. (Source)

But, here’s the catch: 👇

Wet wood carries moisture, and that can be trouble for the metal parts of your chainsaw (like the chain, bar, sprocket, and clutch). They could rust and corrode.

To avoid these woes, it’s a smart move to dry off your chainsaw after use, especially the chain. Give it a good oiling to keep that moisture at bay.

As a little extra tip, I like to dunk my chain in some diesel fuel after a cutting session, give it a thorough drying (and a touch-up sharpening if needed!).

Wet Wood Cuts A Lot Easier Than Dry Wood!

Wet wood is naturally softer & more pliable compared to dry wood, which makes it less likely to split or chip during operation.

What’s more, the moisture in wet wood reduces friction during the cutting process, meaning you’ll need less power to make those precise cuts.

When I’m tackling wet wood, I take a lot less aggressive approach with my saw, and it definitely makes the job smoother & easier!

Can You Use a Chainsaw in the Rain?

Gas-powered chainsaws can be used in the rain. They’re designed to handle heavy rain showers without any issues.

But, electric chainsaws are not suitable for use in the rain as they’re vulnerable to water damage.

I conducted a little poll within our Facebook community to find out how many folks are using their chainsaws in the rain, and here’s what I discovered: 👇

93% chainsaw users use their chainsaws in the rain.

An astonishing 93% of the respondents said they use their chainsaws in the rain! It’s pretty wild, isn’t it?

The remaining 7% might be either using electric chainsaws or simply not comfortable using their chainsaws in the rain, which is perfectly OkAY!

I’m in that camp too – I avoid it unless there’s no other choice. Safety first!

Btw, If you’re also planning to use your chainsaw in the rain –

  • ✅ Wear your safety gear.
  • ✅ Make sure the air filter stays dry.
  • ✅ Don’t let water enter the fuel tank and the oil tank.

Will Water Damage a Chainsaw?

Water itself won’t cause any damage to your chainsaw. But, electric chainsaws can be affected if you use them in wet conditions as water can sneak into their electrical parts

As for me, I give my gas-powered chainsaws a good pressure washer bath after a hard day’s work to clean off the dirt & debris. No worries there! 😎

Cleaning my chainsaws after a full day of use with a pressure washer.

But, a word of CAUTION: 👇

Never, I mean never, completely submerge your chainsaw in water (even if it’s a gas-powered beast!).

Water can find its way into the engine, causing some serious damage.

Should You Use a Chainsaw in the Rain? (Don't Skip!)

There’s really no strict rule against using a chainsaw in the rain, but the big question is, should you?  Always remember, “Safety first!”

Operating a chainsaw, even in the BEST of circumstances, is inherently risky. ⚠️

Now, when you throw in wet & muddy ground plus soggy saw blades, things can get even worse! It gets seriously slippery, and you can easily lose your grip on the saw

On top of that, the rain messes with your visibility! 👀

When those water droplets start playing in your eyes, you instinctively blink, and that’s a split-second distraction you don’t want when handling a chainsaw.

And, during a storm, it’s incredibly hard to predict what might happen next.

A sudden gust of wind could throw off the tree’s fall direction, or a lightning strike could create absolute CHAOS!

Read this article where I’ve explained everything you need to know before using your chainsaw in the rain!

I hope you found this article insightful & enjoyable to read! If this tickled your fancy and left you hungry for more, I’ve got some great news.

There’s a wealth of similar articles and guides right at your fingertips. Feel free to check them out! 👇

Samuel Anali

Hey there! My name is Sam, and I'm the NERD behind this site. I'm an avid chainsaw enthusiast, and I've been tinkering with them since I was 17 (it's almost 20 years now!).

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